My maiden name was @Marthy @Cannary. I was born in @Princeton, @Missouri, May 1st, 1852. My father and mother were natives of @Ohio. I had two brothers and three sisters, I being the oldest of the children. As a child I always had a fondness for adventure and outdoor exercise and a special fondness for horses which I began to ride at an early age and continued to do so until I became an expert rider being able to ride the most vicious and stubborn of horses; in fact the greater portion of my life in early times was spent in this manner. In 1865 we emigrated from our home in Missouri by the overland route to @Virginia City, @Montana, taking five months to make the journey. While on the way the greater portion of my time was spent in hunting along with the men and hunters of the party. In fact I was at all times with the men when there was excitement and adventures to be had. By the time we reached Virginia City, I was considered a remarkably good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age. I remember many occurrences on the journey from Missouri to Montana. Many times in crossing the mountains the conditions of the trail were so bad that we frequently had to lower the wagons over ledges by hand with ropes, for they were so rough and rugged that horses were of no use.